There is much more to the wildlife of the Outer Hebrides than eagles and Corncrakes, Red Deer and Otters, and the orchids of the machair. In 2009 we began the Hebridensis Project to showcase some of the less well-known wildlife of our islands. The absence of easily accessible information about our wildlife communities quickly became apparent and within three years Outer Hebrides Biological Recording had been formed to try to remedy this problem.
Over the last decade our knowledge of the biodiversity of the Outer Hebrides has grown exponentially. We have discovered species not previously recorded in the islands and extended our knowledge of the distribution of animals, plants and fungi throughout the archipelago. The information we have collected is made available on the NBN Atlas Scotland and is widely used for education, scientific research conservation and land management.
Over the years the original Hebridensis website became redundant as OHBR developed a hub of websites and a social media presence. Now it is time for it to fulfil its potential and become an introduction to the natural environment and biodiversity of the Outer Hebrides.